Palenque and Alvin Ailey Dance Company

When I watched this 2 videos I found  how alike these cultures can be:

  • We can see that they use music to express their feelings, thoughts and culture in general
  • These cultures have similar stories of their past, they both were slave before, and through  the music and dance they make, they tell those stories.
  • They develop their dances in community

Nevertheless, they also differ in some things such as:

  • The instruments they use
  • The place they have developed their art
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Holidays in other countries

The authors of these 4 texts used english languages in them because they wanted people from different parts of the world to read them and understand them, so as english is the global language and majority of people can read it easily, they decided to write using it. They wanted the texts to be international.
From these 4 posts I could learn about how differ the celebrations between latin american countries such as the holly week celebration in Guatemala, which was really interesting because I though it was the same for all christians; the peruvian christmas was surprising for me too.
Besides,  I could learn about other awesome celebrations and rites from countries that I didnt even know: the thailand new year and the holi festival.

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My own personal culture

There two important factors that have  shaped my own personal culture:
Firstly I like to read , this has made me know many books, stories, etc, and made me love fantasy books specially. That’s why I am a Harry Potter fan and this is very important in my life and has influenced  on the activities I do in my free time: when I am bored, sad or angry , reading or just temembering those stories give me a better mood
Besides the muic has a principal role in my own culture. I like rock music, specially english.Due to this, I have improved my grammar and vocabulary; This music has also made me feel identify: I even have a song for each situation that happens to me and sometimes when I dont feel very well, listening to this music helps me to feel better.   And finally because of that nusic I have developed some affictions to some singers, bands and countries: I would love to travel to England.

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Economic Empowerment for Women

I would lend money to Blanca Isvelia for some reasons:

  • What she sells are product that people buy and eat everyday, these ones have a very good reception by Costeños so they are easily sold. 
  • The products are made by herself, so lending money to her is to support the creation  of microenterprises, which could expand , giving many benefits to Colombia.
  • She is not a woman so young, so it is more difficult for her to get a good job that gives her good conditions of life.
  • Finally, her antecedent loan was very  succesfull and her business could expand, so it shows that she and her business are trustable


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Matatu drivers and mototaxistas

 How are matatu drivers treated in his experience with the BBC? 
In this experience some situations happened to matatu drivers. Firstly when they were going to take te BBC team police stopped because, according to the cop, they had jumped traffic lights, but fortunately they could leave quickly. Later when they had taken the team, someone started to accuse the camera man saying that they were taking pictures to sell them in UK making fun of africans. But finally the trip ended well because although they were stopped by the police 5 times, nothing happened duo to the BBC team’s presence. 
The perception barranquillero have about mototaxistas is very similar to the kenyans’one about matatu. Barranquillero tend to have some stereotypes about the mototaxistas and they are accused of criminals, illiterate, drug addicts, among other negative aspects. 
Nevertheless, although the opinion is in general negative, there is a better level of acceptation than in Kenya.
2. Do Barranquilleros have the same negative opinion of mototaxistas as the Kenyans have of matatu drivers?


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This video really impressed me . I knew afrocolombians were not in good conditions but I never imagined the it was so bad. These statistics were like a tank of cold water and made me realize about the hypocrites we’ve been thinking and saying that racism is in the past . It’s awful that  on 21st century, the progress era, there are still those huge differences between afrocolombians and the rest of population

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I don’t like do many things related to carnival, I think it’s an excellent celebration and an amanzing show of Barranquilla’s culture but it’s just that I’m not a girl of parties or dance. So, What I liked the most of these 4 days was that I could sleep well,  have some  relax, and enjoy the cheerful atmosphere present in all the city

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From this video we can learn that Tuareg culture is very spiritual, they like tea and are carefull with its preparation. Besides due to the rythm , lyrics of the song and  what the musicians were wearing we can infer that they are pacific and close to nature (the song was really relaxing for me)
Watching the video and lyrics help us to have a better vision of this culture because it allows us to  see the members of the band, their dresses what they are doing, their expressions and the way these are related with the song so we can learn more about their personalities than if we just listened and imagine.

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Barranquilla, cultural capital of 2013

Barranquilla has been chosen as the American cultural capital of 2013 by the Bureau Internacional de Capitales Culturales. This decision was made , among other reasons, because when  the president of that entity  visited Barranquilla, he was impressed by the culture of the city and specially by the positivism of this one and its proyection to the rest of the world. 

This designation will bring many benefits to Barranquilla and although the text doesn’t talk about the  economic ones, we can infer that, in an indirect way, Barranquilla will have them because for example the tourism will increase and,  due to the transmision about the city on the channels antena 3 and discovery networks, so will the interest from  the rest of the world, besides,  on 2013 Barranquilla will have its 200 birthday, and probably this  will contribute to its economical benefits.

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Two worlds collide

In this story we can see what happens when two people who are very different live in the same place.

We have a (maybe)  business man vs a farmer, one employer vs one employee, a literate person vs an illiterate one. These two men are accustomed to do different things: one of them cleans while the other one reads, one takes  coffee and the other one drinks water.

This situation makes them confused about the activities the other  does, they don’t understand each other because they have dissimilar points of view about what is right or normal, they have grown up with distinct ideas , and, as the title indicates, two world collide.  Besides, they do not do anything about it and just stay confused, wondering why the other one acts the way he does, they don’t express their thoughts and position, producing therefore a miscommunication .

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